Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The End

I'm sure nobody will be horribly disappointed to see this, as I haven't exactly had a tremendous number of posts, but as of today I am not planning to update this site any longer.

I actually had several additional topics I intended to add, but I never seemed to make the time for that to happen.

Now, however, the economic and financial screw-up (no, I didn't say crisis) has pretty much killed any remaining ambition. If these people who are supposed to be driving our financial future and the politicians who are supposed to be guiding and overseeing them can't see these mistakes coming until far too late, I don't have much faith in the current systems.

Perhaps we will transition to a more worthwhile place. We will stop overspending, cluttering, and living on credit. We will value hard work and proportional gains. We will realize that we need to make sure that we have a solid and stable economic and moral base before (or preferably in lieu of) pushing our ideals and dominance on other parts of the world.

Perhaps at that point I will again have the ambition to try to demonstrate what makes sense financially for people. I think we will have to put in some hard work and wait a while before that will happen.

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