I've been kicking the idea of this site around for quite some time, and somehow I finally found the motivation to make it happen tonight.
As you can read in my background posted on the side of the site, financial working have been a fascination of mine for many years. I have researched some aspects quite thoroughly, particularly in areas that relate to personal finance. Much of this has been to improve my own family's financial well-being, and other has been out of pure curiosity.
Over the years, I began to find myself very often either discussing or advising others on things I had read or seen. Eventually, this advice spread to the point where I realized I should really consolidate my ideas online. With any luck, perhaps I can find a larger audience who can benefit from this, and hopefully I have some ideas that are actually of value.
You'll notice there are no ads of any kind on this site, and there never will be. I think doing so would compromise the goals I have for the site. I'm sure being a financial site there are many credit card companies and such who would pay quite well for ad space, even without a lot of traffic. I'm not interesting in ruining my credibility for that though. I will try to make perfectly clear if there is ever an instance where I think there is any conflict of interest in something that I post.
As I say at the top of the blog, don't expect frequent updates. Instead, I would like to provide well-researched and pertinent topics on a less frequent basis (mostly due to my own time commitments). I would like to consider this more of a resource, rather than a news site. I will try to use labels to provide for quick access to specific topics, and there is a search feature as well.
Discussion is always very welcome. If something doesn't seem accurate, or there is a question about a topic, either comment or drop me an email. I will look into it and provide an update on the site, if necessary.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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1 comment:
Yay! Somewhere I can get more fuel for my quest to make my money work for me. Great to see this up!
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